Tuesday, 5 August 2014



Constipation is a decrease in the amount of times stool is eliminated from the body. In constipated individuals stool is usually difficult to pass, hard and dry.
If you have not had a bowel movement in more than 3 days you may be constipated.
It affects women more than men and is a frequent complaint during pregnancy and after childbirth
It occurs more in people over 65 years of age


1) Difficult passage of hard, dry stool

2) Less frequent passage of stool.

3) Abdominal pain

4) Lower back pain


  1. Lack of exercise
  2. Dehydration
  3. Menopause
  4. Hemorrhoids
  5. Inadequate amounts of fiber in the diet
  6. Drugs such as:
  • Morphine
  • Codeine
  • Ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofenac
  • Antidepressants
  • Anti-hypertensive drugs: enalapril, lisinopril, verapimil, diltiazem, atenolol.
  •  Iron or iron-containing supplements


You have nausea, vomiting or fever
You have marked abdominal pain
You have daily laxative use
You have bowel symptoms that persist for more than 2 weeks
You have blood in stool or dark tarry stool


  • Eat more fruits and vegetables and whole grain breads and pasta
  • Consume less processed sugars and processed cheese
  • Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of water per day
  • Increase physical activity

  • Eat meals at regular times
  • Try to use the toilet at least once a day 

Bulk Forming Agents

Bulk forming agents are generally considered the safest laxative form. These agents absorb water in the intestine making the stool softer.Therefore they should be taken with at least eight ounces of water. The onset of bowel response is usually 12 hours hours after consuming the laxative.
Example: Metamucil, Benefiber

Lubricant Agents
These agents soften fecal contents by coating them hence preventing water to be reabsorbed .This helps the stools to pass through the intestines easier.

Example:Paraffin oil

Stimulant Agents
Stimulant laxatives induce bowel movements by increasing the contraction of muscles in the intestines, and are effective when used on a short-term basis. The onset of bowel response is usually 6 hours after consuming the laxative.

Example: Bisacodyl, Castor oil

Hyperosmotic Agents
These agents work by holding water in the stool to soften the stool and by increasing the number of bowel movements.

Example: polyethylene gycol

Saline Laxative Agents
The active ingredients in saline laxatives are mostly magnesium, sulfate, citrate, and phosphate ions these ions draw water into the intestines. The additional water softens the stool increasing the pressure within the intestines, and also increases intestinal contractions resulting in the release of softer stool. The onset of bowel response is usually half hour to 3 hours after consuming the laxative

Example :Milk of Magnesia, Espom salts

Emollient Agents

Stool softeners, called emollient laxatives, prevent hardening of the feces by adding moisture to the stool.
Example: Docusate sodium

Feel free to visit us in-store or ask any questions you may have. Our qualified pharmacists would be happy to assist you.


1 comment:

  1. What is safe to use in the second trimester in pregnancy?
