Friday, 8 August 2014

Insulin Administration

Diabetic patients sometimes are unsure of the correct method of insulin administration. There are those that probably just need a gentle reminder. The following videos show the proper technique for administering a dose of insulin, firstly with an insulin syringe and then with a pen.

See now the technique when using an insulin pen.

We hope that this has been helpful. We will be happy to answer any further questions you may have.


  1. Thanks for this great post. I find this blog to be quite informative, thanks :)

  2. Quite informative useful piece for diabetic patients, thanks for posting

  3. Alot of diabetic patients simply arent aware of proper techniques for administration. its great that you have this information outlining in a simple manner how they can improve their technique. I'll be sure to tell diabetic patients of this site!

  4. Very good info...maybe you can think of printing brochures for distribution...

  5. Thank you all for the comments! Glad to provide more knowledge on the topic since there are alot of people who are unsure about proper techniques for insulin administration.

  6. Thanks for your comment Ryan. I will definitely consider publishing brochures, maybe even making a printable version for this blog.
